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Научные статьи на тему «Share with»

The management of joint-stock companies with the state share in Ukraine

The subject of research is to develop recommendations for improving the corporative management o of joint-stock companies with the state share in Ukraine. The purpose of research is to analyze the joint-stock companies, to develop recommendations for improving of the corporative management of joint-stock companies with the state share in Ukraine and to study the corporative management features of such companies; the theoretical principles of management organization that allow all co-partners of corporate relations track the suitability of companies to their interests. It is necessary to ascertain the possibility of keeping or selling small blocks of shares, which are owned by the state. The results of work are to develop scientific-substantiated recommendations, methods and conclusions, which directed on improving the corporative management of joint-stock companies with the state share in Ukraine. Practical Implications: organization and carrying out of the research on joint-stock c...

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The development strategy of joint-stock companies with state share in Ukraine

The subject of research is to develop a strategy for the development of joint-stock companies with state share in Ukraine. The purpose of research is to analyze the dynamics and structure of financial and economic activity of joint-stock companies with the state share, identify trends in their changes to determine the impact of negative factors on the development of economic and financial results of activities of joint-stock companies with state share. To investigate the changes of size of the Charter capital the size of the minimum wage, to consider the difficulties of listing joint-stock companies with state share and the number of issues of shares that are traded on stock exchanges. To determine changes in the legal framework, which affect majority and minority shareholders of these companies, requirements for the protection of holders of common shares. To investigate the dividend policy of the largest companies of Ukraine regarding the accrual and payment of dividends, identify ...

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Еще термины по предмету «Гостиничное дело»

Агентство бронирования

это центральная система бронирования, которая заключает контракт на резервирование с несколькими гостиничными предприятиями.

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Безвозвратное квотирование

совокупность обязательств туроператора и средства размещения, при которых средство размещения передает туроператору право на реализацию квоты на весь период действия договора; при этом туроператор оплачивает пол ную стоимость квоты независимо от фактического количества размещенных турагентов, а объект размещения обязуется предоставить полный комплекс оговоренных в договоре услуг, без права остановки продажи.

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Марочный знак (логотип)

часть марки, которую можно опознать, но невозможно произнести, например, символ, изображение, отличительная окраска или специфическое шрифтовое оформление.

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